We specialize in helping business owners get from Founder to Operator, Operator to Asset, and Asset to Expansion Stage.  

We do this using the Ronin Process.

The 4 Stages All Founders Go Through

1 Founder Stage

There may be some people on contract or folks you bring in every once in a while but no stable employees beyond yourself or your co-founder(s).

  1. Turn The Passion That Got You To This Point Into Disciplined And Focused Work Habits.

  2. Get Some Early Customers And Deliver Your Offering. Find Out What Resonates With Them.

  3. Start Tracking Results In Systems And Software That Will Scale With You Into Operator Stage.

  4. Figure Out What Is Repeatable And Delegable. Turn Your Work Habits Into Processes And Roles.

  5. Build A Steady Stream Of Customers While Also Doing The Work To Keep Customers Happy.

  6. Create Roles And Hire Early Employees. Refine Roles And Processes With Early Employees.

  7. Do All This Without Running Out Of Money Or Pulling All Your Hair Out First!

Survey Company Triples Monthly Revenues and Hits Profit Margin Targets.

“Ronin brings financial intelligence to a small company. They are my partner in crime, someone who thinks about my business the way I do. They help you steer some of your short term, medium, and long term goals hopefully towards the most productive areas. They help you prepare for scalability.”


You’ve Got a Vision.
We’d Love to Hear About It.

  • What’s your revenue model?
  • What challenges are you having?
  • Where are you getting stuck?
  • Who do you need on the team?
  • When will you hire them?
  • Do you need funding?
  • How do you know?

2 Operator Stage

There may be some people on contract or folks you bring in every once in a while but no stable employees beyond yourself or your co-founder(s).

  1. Turn The Passion That Got You To This Point Into Disciplined And Focused Work Habits.

  2. Get Some Early Customers And Deliver Your Offering. Find Out What Resonates With Them.

  3. Start Tracking Results In Systems And Software That Will Scale With You Into Operator Stage.

  4. Figure Out What Is Repeatable And Delegable. Turn Your Work Habits Into Processes And Roles.

  5. Build A Steady Stream Of Customers While Also Doing The Work To Keep Customers Happy.

  6. Create Roles And Hire Early Employees. Refine Roles And Processes With Early Employees.

  7. Do All This Without Running Out Of Money Or Pulling All Your Hair Out First!

Survey Company Triples Monthly Revenues and Hits Profit Margin Targets.

“Ronin brings financial intelligence to a small company. They are my partner in crime, someone who thinks about my business the way I do. They help you steer some of your short term, medium, and long term goals hopefully towards the most productive areas. They help you prepare for scalability.”


You’ve Got a Vision.
We’d Love to Hear About It.

  • What’s your revenue model?
  • What challenges are you having?
  • Where are you getting stuck?
  • Who do you need on the team?
  • When will you hire them?
  • Do you need funding?
  • How do you know?

3 Asset Stage

There may be some people on contract or folks you bring in every once in a while but no stable employees beyond yourself or your co-founder(s).

  1. Turn The Passion That Got You To This Point Into Disciplined And Focused Work Habits.

  2. Get Some Early Customers And Deliver Your Offering. Find Out What Resonates With Them.

  3. Start Tracking Results In Systems And Software That Will Scale With You Into Operator Stage.

  4. Figure Out What Is Repeatable And Delegable. Turn Your Work Habits Into Processes And Roles.

  5. Build A Steady Stream Of Customers While Also Doing The Work To Keep Customers Happy.

  6. Create Roles And Hire Early Employees. Refine Roles And Processes With Early Employees.

  7. Do All This Without Running Out Of Money Or Pulling All Your Hair Out First!

Survey Company Triples Monthly Revenues and Hits Profit Margin Targets.

“Ronin brings financial intelligence to a small company. They are my partner in crime, someone who thinks about my business the way I do. They help you steer some of your short term, medium, and long term goals hopefully towards the most productive areas. They help you prepare for scalability.”


You’ve Got a Vision.
We’d Love to Hear About It.

  • What’s your revenue model?
  • What challenges are you having?
  • Where are you getting stuck?
  • Who do you need on the team?
  • When will you hire them?
  • Do you need funding?
  • How do you know?

4 Expansion Stage

There may be some people on contract or folks you bring in every once in a while but no stable employees beyond yourself or your co-founder(s).

  1. Turn The Passion That Got You To This Point Into Disciplined And Focused Work Habits.

  2. Get Some Early Customers And Deliver Your Offering. Find Out What Resonates With Them.

  3. Start Tracking Results In Systems And Software That Will Scale With You Into Operator Stage.

  4. Figure Out What Is Repeatable And Delegable. Turn Your Work Habits Into Processes And Roles.

  5. Build A Steady Stream Of Customers While Also Doing The Work To Keep Customers Happy.

  6. Create Roles And Hire Early Employees. Refine Roles And Processes With Early Employees.

  7. Do All This Without Running Out Of Money Or Pulling All Your Hair Out First!

Survey Company Triples Monthly Revenues and Hits Profit Margin Targets.

“Ronin brings financial intelligence to a small company. They are my partner in crime, someone who thinks about my business the way I do. They help you steer some of your short term, medium, and long term goals hopefully towards the most productive areas. They help you prepare for scalability.”


You’ve Got a Vision.
We’d Love to Hear About It.

  • What’s your revenue model?
  • What challenges are you having?
  • Where are you getting stuck?
  • Who do you need on the team?
  • When will you hire them?
  • Do you need funding?
  • How do you know?

The Ronin Process...like Moneyball for business

Ronin bring a set of tools and personal guidance to founders to set up cultures of excellence in the small business. We join your leadership team to create and implement long-term strategies for good growth.

Our engagements focuses on the interplay of 3 stages.


Institutional level financial modeling for high visibility, feedback loops and a clear path forward.


Data-led value-based management and leadership practices for continuous improvement and good results.


Hire a CEO, raise millions, sell in whole or part. Your machine is running – set your vision and we’ll make a plan to realize it.

Our Clients

Industry Profiles

We work with the global small market to bring great tools, models and management practices. Our work is founded on core principles that work across all businesses and tailored for the market, the team and the type of business.
Below is a selection of resources and industry overviews we’ve compiled. You can click here for the full list.


Professional Services


Talent Software Business Lands $4Million in Funding.
"The thing that was most important to me when choosing Ronin was experience. They have done its before and are able to support what they put together in front of people who can tear it apart. They are going to help you create the financial models you need to run your business, talk to your investors, and talk to your board to demonstrate the metrics you are attaining on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis."

Climbing Gym Reaches New Heights With New Locations.
”With Ronin by my side, I feel more confident as a business owner— I have someone to collaborate and share ideas with. While there is a price tag attached, I just couldn’t imagine not having them around. They bring a component to the business that I feel I couldn’t do without. They are the ultimate business partner. "

Iconic Austin-Based Apparel Startup Triples Online Sales.
”The team at Ronin has been extremely helpful and hands on with us. We’ve improved our planning and forecasting 10 fold. We’ve been able to adjust, personalize and learn from the data gathered as we’re working on our numbers. Looking forward to another year of growth and learning with The Ronin Society!"


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